The Division takes place in mid-crisis Manhattan, an open world with destructive environments that are free for players to explore. The player's mission is to restore order by investigating the source of a virus. The player character can carry three weapons, and explosives like sticky bombs and smart mines to fight against enemies. Players may take cover behind objects during firefights to avoid taking damage from enemies, and to give them a tactical advantage when attacking. As the game is set in a third-person perspective, the character model is visible.

As players progress, they earn experience points and currency. They can use this currency to buy weapons and gear, and use the points to learn new talents and skills. The player's gear is categorized into five levels: worn, standard, specialized, superior and high-end, each with a specific color code. Gear can be either bought, or found as in-game loot, or crafted from gathered materials. The storyline missions involve objectives that are relevant to their respective wing of the Base of Operations, which serves as the player's home base. At the player's home base there are three wings which are the Medical, Security and Tech wing.

While the story primarily sticks to tried-and-true survival tropes, the narrative is solidly executed. Key moments receive full cutscenes, and in between, you constantly hear radio banter that explains exactly how your next objective contributes to your broader mission to save New York from vicious opportunists. You always know exactly what you're doing and why; that alone goes a long way towards making your actions feel meaningful. You're also never painted as a superhero. The Division admirably commits to its bleak, grounded vision of a medically-induced apocalypse, and it works. Some ideas needed a bit more development--especially an important enemy later on--but overall, I felt invested and immersed in the world.

This immersion was further cultivated by the setting itself. The Division's haunting recreation of midtown Manhattan might be the most impressive urban world map outside of a Rockstar game. Its dense, detailed environments feel painstakingly assembled rather than cut-and-pasted into place. Every neighborhood has its own distinct style, and no matter where you roam, you're bound to stumble into a breathtaking structure or a heartbreaking disaster site, even if you end up hearing a few repeated lines of NPC dialogue along the way. The variety and authenticity of the world invite exploration just like the deserts of Red Dead Redemption and the mountains of Skyrim. My only real complaint: I killed the same guys on the same corner near my HQ at least half a dozen times during the game's early hours. Had The Division randomized these encounters or in some way allowed unexpected interactions to occur, the world might have felt more alive.

Enemy AI is consistent to the point of being predictable as well, and all four enemy factions have identical unit types--every group has a runner, a sniper, a bomber, and so on. No matter who you're up against, you know exactly how each easily identifiable enemy is going to come at you, which can make certain lower-stakes gun fights feel like a chore. Some of the basic gameplay mechanics are slightly sloppy as well. The core aiming and shooting are totally serviceable, but you can't crouch, jump, or go prone--which means the only way to move stealthily is to duck into cover, then hold A to rush directly to the next object. I also occasionally had to contend with clumsy cover issues. Come on, Agent, you can't raise your gun barrel two inches to avoid a poorly placed railing? Worst of all, various actions--including pulling away from cover--cause your character to stand straight up, even in the middle of combat. It's annoying and occasionally lethal.

It's almost a shame you're forced to break between missions to level your character; after all, the campaign missions are easily the game's strongest content. Still, the structural pattern that emerges isn't unpleasant: beat a story mission, complete three or four side quests, equip any new gear you've acquired, and head off to the next major mission. While those three or four side missions definitely feel a bit like grinding in an MMO, they force you to engage with The Division as a multifaceted open world game rather than just a shooter. The game is deliberately paced in every sense of the word. And to be clear, The Division doesn't just feel artificially long because of its grinding--it actually is a content-heavy game. The campaign alone takes nearly 30 hours to complete, so when you throw in leveling, loot management, collectibles, random exploration, and more, it all adds up to a thorough and substantial experience.

And then, of course, there's the "end game" content, which basically boils down to grinding against high level enemies in daily missions in order to earn new and better loot. Disappointingly, I have not yet found any weaponry that's functionally distinct like, for example, Destiny's exotics, which makes this portion of the game feel slightly pointless at the moment. Still, if you make it to the end game and decide you're done, you will have enjoyed a complete, compelling shooter for dozens of hours. The experience is sprawling yet remarkably cohesive.

If you're feeling a little less cooperative, you can also visit the Dark Zone--a massive, unstructured PvP area in the middle of the city. The Dark Zone is, if nothing else, a really cool experiment. You'll find both enemy AI and other human players inside. The AI guard loot, while the other players...well, who knows. They might help you conquer the AI or they might backstab you and steal all the gear and weapons you've already collected. The tension of not knowing how an interaction will play out is unlike anything else you'll find in a modern shooter, and the significance of loot back in the main game makes the stakes in the Dark Zone feel incredibly real. The Division is mostly a genre-abiding open world, cover-based shooter, but the Dark Zone--and the way it's seamlessly integrated into the world map with only a moment of extremely well-concealed loading when you enter--deserves special recognition for being truly new.

As the Dark Zone proves, The Division's loot system is integral to the experience. But it's not just there for show. Rather, your stats--which are heavily dictated by the gear you equip--mean the difference between slaughter and triumph, so be prepared to spend plenty of time in menus comparing the numerical attributes of knee pads, pistol holsters, and tactical backpacks. There's a mind boggling number of variables that ultimately impact your chances of survival. While not everyone will have the patience necessary to fully embrace the intricacies of the loot system, The Division at least makes life easier by providing plenty of elegant, thoughtful tools. You can mark old items as junk and simply hit "Sell All" when you get to a vendor. You can easily compare two items side by side. The game will even show you how an item will affect your overall stats before you equip it. It may sound trivial, but this careful attention to detail makes the loot meta-game nearly painless.

No matter how hard I worked to level up my character, though, I almost always felt slightly underpowered. Put simply, The Division is stingy when it comes to gear and XP. My backpack was never more than a third full, and I didn't see a "high-end" weapon until I'd essentially beaten the game. Even at max level, your stats may not be high enough to activate your weapons' built-in talents, which sort of epitomizes the game's draconian design. The Division still manages to feel plenty rewarding as you progress, but a slightly kinder XP system and an extra level of gear rarity would have gone a long way to alleviate the frustration and fatigue I experienced.

Still, no matter how frustrated I grew with the game's semi-indestructible enemies or its repetitive leveling structure, I absolutely could not stop playing. The world was too engrossing, the loot was too enticing, and the campaign was too gripping for me to simply walk away. I stopped caring about the game's flaws after the first few hours and proceeded to lose myself in obsessive stat optimization and cooperative gun battles. The problems (and frustration) never disappeared, but I was more than happy to play through the pain.

Author : Saatvik Awasthi

Source : click here